Last evening our French friends had some success in this lake, fishing lures from the shore, with a 90+cm mixed in. We decided to give it a try with our flies.
The lake was quite shallow with plenty of weeds. We fished as a team in a line spread out some 20m apart from each other. It was quite slow for our team but, it seemed I was fishing a good spot as I got quickly a hit, but missed it.
Full concentration now, and sending my favourite streamer over the same spot. Slow rolly polly , with my eyes glued on the fly line. The line moved to the left, and as I strip-striked, I felt the pull of this pike : fish on ! After doing the middle, I went with Jeremy and Mathias to the far end of the lake which was full of features. Mathias took the right corner, Jeremy the middle, and I took the left side.
Suddenly I found a big field of lilies, with in the middle a nice opening. After sneaking up to this spot, only a mere 30 cm deep, I made one good cast, gave one strip, and before I could give a second strip, a violent thug nearly wrenched the rod out of my hand, and the next second, the water exploded and a huge pike went airbourne twice in 3 seconds.
The battle was on with this seriously fat big mama in the middle of lillies, and I needed to steer her out of those lilies and reeds where she sought for cover. By that time, the weather changed, and a hail storm started. Jeremy noticed I was fighting a very big fish, and speeded to me to help and take pictures.
Some ten minutes later, still under a hail storm, we managed to grap the pike and prepared to take some pictures. We were really happy and in awe of this magnificent opponent. No matter the hail and wind, we were shouting our happiness to each other and enjoyed the moment.
Taking pictures was rather complicated as the lense got covered with rain and hail every time I wanted to lift this beauty. But Jeremy still could manage some nice pictures, before we decided to reanimate this beautifull lady.
We were happy to see her swimming off, which left us glowing with happiness. This fish and fight will be forever printed on my eyes. Special thanks to Jeremy for quitting fishing and risking his professional camera to take pics of this very special catch in a most incredible hail storm !