We are super excited to announce the second edition of the Rodtrip Pike Challenge.

The first Pike Challenge took place last year at Bambois and it was a real success, we had to renew this amazing experience…


Many of you have asked us this year and now you can finally register for the event, be quick because we already know that many teams want to take part but due to the size of the lake and number of boats, we can’t accept more than 9 teams…

We hope that the weather will be with us and the most important, that you will catch monster pikes !!!

Good luck 😉

02-pikechallenge Mathias_Briquemont_1680_9987

Basic rules

  • You will compete in teams of two fishermen
  • Each team will have a boat at its disposal (no electric engines allowed)
  • Ranking based on the number of catch and length of the fish
  • Special prize for the biggest and first catch of the day
  • Detailed rules will be send to the teams



We wanted to have only interesting and valuable rewards for the competitors and thanks to our partners, you will not be disappointed by the rewards list which is of course 100% pike proof.


  • Vision Big Daddy rods
  • Vision Kalu Reels
  • Niklaus Bauer Stripping Baskets
  • Greys GS Nets
  • Fly Scene fly tying packs
  • Jacquet Pêche 200€ voucher
  • Big Mama fly lines
  • Rodtrip t-shirts, caps
  • Tiemco Stripping Guards
  • Wiggle tails
  • Fly Rattles
  • Niklaus Bauer Fluorescent 3D Eyes
  • & more…

About Bambois & the pike challenge

If you don’t know the lake of Bambois, we already wrote an article about it and shot the following video.

You can also see a report of the first edition here.

Hurry up to register !

The contest is limited  to 9 teams only, that’s why we have decided to apply the following rules :

  • Registrations have to be submitted by September the 30th
  • The 9 first teams to submit their registration will be registred
  • The entry fee is fixed at 65€ / fisherman (130€ / team) and it includes the breakfast, bbq, boat and fishing licence
  • Registration will only be validated after we received your payment

Please fill out the form below to apply for registration

Registration form

** Contest is full **


Huge thanks to our partners for this event :

Some pictures of the first edition :


05-pikechallenge 14-pikechallenge    Mathias_Briquemont_1680_9932 Mathias_Briquemont_1680_9735  Mathias_Briquemont_1680_9911 Mathias_Briquemont_1680_9921 Mathias_Briquemont_1680_9845 Mathias_Briquemont_1680_9849



Previous reading
The teams of the Pike Challenge 2016
Next reading
Gold rush in France, sight fishing for zebra trout and grayling on the Albarine