Whilst enjoying known and (until then) unknown visitors in our booth at the yearly flyfishing highlight of Belgium which is the ‘Fête de la pêche à la mouche’, we were introduced to some very nice Irish people, Audrey and Alan.


Imagine, they showed us pictures of hundreds of lakes full of opportunities to fish for pike, trout, coarse fish, in the most beautifull settings. Situated in the Cavan region, they have more than 360 lakes to choose from. Imagine that you can chose every single day for a different watershed…


Looking at their pictures, our heartbeat was rising. Especially because it is a paradise for hunting aggressive and strong Irish pike with the fly. Our enthousiasm must have been obvious, because they offered us to come over and make a Rodtrip for them.


Needless to say that it took only a brief moment to accept politely this most kind invitation.


So there it is, check out our site between 9 and 17/10/2015 ! We’ll post especially for those at home, about our adventures on and off the water.

Want to see where it’s all about, check out their site :www.castlehamilton.com


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Pike Challenge – Results & Photos
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About fishing that didn’t turn out as planned