This morning, we woke up a little late, but we were all motivated to make the best of our last day.
After our classical couple of presentations at the lodge, it was Jeremy who hit a nice pike of 66 cm after a change of fly when this pike refused his first offer. Talking of a good start…
We went to a new spot, in which Romain landed a very nice fish from a really small spot. It’s incredible that nice pike will hunt in very tight spots.
In another spot, in front of a school, we landed four fish and lost as much…
We enjoyed our lunch and went to our lodge’s owners to take some pictures with these very kind people.
They master the dutch, French, English, and German language, so please check with them if you fancy a pike trip. They’ve pikes waiting to hit your flies at their lodge !
We then got back to a spot we liked last year. We split up in groups and soon got visit from a ranger who kindly asked for our licences. Of course, we had all we needed, and greeted this nice guy.
We ended up looking for Johan who was fishing the less attractive parts in which he landed 3 small pikes and lost another one.
He lost than a very big fish after a few seconds but when fishing this spot out, he hooked again a big fish, loosing it after a couple of seconds, and threw his fly right back in the same spot, and bamm, this time the pike was hooked properly and a nice fight followed.
This pike put some serious pressure on the Vision’s big mama, and even made the Danielsson screaming. Eventually this nice fish came in and we were all excited to end our trip with this polder beauty.
We called our trip a day, and were already looking forward for our next trip. It became clear that this addictive flyfishing will bring us back in the coming weeks, and we’ll spend some serious time scouting these endless lakes, canals, polders, etc.
If you need some practical information, don’t hesitate to send us a mail. We’ll be happy to help you to organize this Rodtrip , which is at the reach of everyone, considering the small investment needed, the vast possibilities, and waters where pike can hide everywhere.
We won’t give up our secret spots, but hey, all the fun is fishing the region and suddenly find hot spots. We did so during our first trip last year, we’re sure you will do too , if you listen to our advice, and fish our lodge’s propriety, and its region.
It’s all about our goal, promoting flyfishing, friendship, and enjoying our nice sport in the most beautifull spots.