Romain joined us at dusk at our last fishing spot which holds some very large pike, but we weren’t able to show him a big mama.

Happy but tired from our first day with regular success for all, we went shopping for food and drinks and enjoyed another great night with some nice wine from Switzerland bring by Xavier.

They have some very good wines !

Flies were tied to meet todays succesfull flies, and we went off dreaming for the next day.




After a short breakfast and some fresh coffee, we welcomed Gino who came to fish one day with us.

Johan threw again his fly in yesterday’s spot, and suddenly saw a nice shadow covering his fly. Strike, and the fight was on, this time the 60+ cm pike was firmly hooked and after some pics went back to his family.


We decided to fish the lodge’s doorstep, and Romain hooked a fat 60+cm soon after fishing some nice spots. Pike number 2 came out of the lodge’s propriety.

Gino even took a third fish, and two others were lost. The canal in front of the lodge didn’t produce like it did last year (break off for Jeremy).



We then went to explore Bergambacht and had various success. Today proved to be more difficult, but in the afternoon Mathias lost 3 big pikes in a canal. He and Jeremy continued this canal and they took three pike and lost even more.

In our group, Romain took another nice pike at a bridge after Gino lost another one.




Tonight we decided to go to the restaurant at 50 yards from our lodge, where you can eat some very nice food for very comfortable prices.

Xavier mastered a 500 grams steak, and other nice ‘jambonneaux’ were enjoyed. We had some serious fun , and continued in our apartment, enjoying each others company, and dreamt of tomorrow.





Mathias_Briquemont_1680_DSC4722    Mathias_Briquemont_1680_DSC8369

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