We are glad to announce you the 2013 Rodtrip photo contest !Like promised, for this year we will have more gifts and more winners !

Partridge of Redditch is now the official partner for the 2013 contest and you will get a lot of chance to win many of their products in complement of the Rodtrip official badges, caps, shirts and stickers !


Every week, one picture will be selected by the jury and every month, the best picture of the month will be rewarded by a set of gifts !

The best photo of the month will be selected by the public (50%) and the jury (50%).

And even better for you, the 12 pictures selected in 2013 will have the chance to become the best photo of the year ! Of course, the best picture of the year will be also rewarded by a special prize ! This prize will be announced soon but I can already tell you that we could talk of rod and many gifts!


Prizes of January, the predator’s month :

  • Partridge of Redditch line nippers,
  • Partridge of Redditch baseball cap,
  • Predator Pike range hooks : CS1ST,
  • Predator Pike range hooks : CS9,
  • Predator Pike range hooks : the new CS86,
  • Partridge Product Guide,
  • Rodtrip badge.

How to participate :

Simply send us your best fly fishing pictures by mail at info@rodtrip.com (max. 3/month) AND share the banner of the contest on facebook or twitter(@rodtrips). (visible on our Facebook Page)

Just keep in mind that if your photo is selected, we will ask you more informations about it : date, place, photo gear, photographer description and an explanation of the situation.

For January, 5 pictures will be selected !

We started a bit late this month but photos will also be selected for the two previous weeks ! So you have two more chances to be selected !

Take your chance !

I think you understood, it is very easy for you to enter this contest. Simply select three nice fly fishing pictures and send it to us !
So why miss a chance to win great gifts ?

And for the ones who participated in 2012, a vote will be organized soon !

Good luck to all our readers, we look forward your pictures !

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